Cryptocurrency & Stock Best Buys


TOP 5 Best Crypto to Buy RIGHT NOW:

  • Ethereum - This is the Number 1 Crypto value right now and Has WENT UP nearly 90% from Last Month! and is currently at 3.9k a of 5/9, this Currency is also used for Highly Collectible Items called NFT's, and it is the only way to buy NFT's, so it is quickly making in Impact in Todays Market
  • Bitcoin - This is the most Known and the Most Reliable Cryptocurrency and the cost for 1 Bitcoin cost Around 58,000 Dollars, many Companies are using bitcoin for Purchases, and also to Pay their Employees and has already made itself Globally known as a New Age Currency and Could make its way to become the number used currency in the Whole World
  • XRP - This is a one of the Cheaper currency's at 1.60, and has Shown its Stability in the Market and is used in Spain and Other European Countries, the Currency all time High was in 2017 at 3.30 and it able to surge back to that number in a matter of weeks or months
  • Cardano/ADA
  • DigiByte -